This Week at AVI: Instructors on the Move!

June 10, 2022

The week started off with the AVI instructors putting the rubber to the road. Sunday Gil Anchondo drove the truck and trailer from Cleveland Ohio to Bangor Maine to meet up with John Barclay. John then drove 3 hours north to Calais, Maine, a stone’s throw away from Nova Scotia, Canada. There, John hosted 4 days of hands-on Vehicle Electrification Training.

Meanwhile on Sunday in Cleveland, Ohio, Tom Rayk and Vince Manship piled into the new Transit van to head down to Florida. Along the way they installed a wench in the van to facilitate the loading and unloading of the new EV training aid because you can’t always count on a football team to be nearby and handy. The daring duo continued their trek to Orlando for the next live training event.

Monday, AVI president Paul Louwers drove from AVI headquarters in Fort Myers, Florida to Orlando Florida to deliver marketing materials. 

The new EV Training Aid

On Tuesday the 19th Annual Florida Automotive Instructors Workshop kicked off with AVI instructor Tom Rayk conducting an Electric Vehicle training class in the morning and then Tom and Vince Manship held a Train-the-Trainer class in the afternoon. The star of the show was AVI’s new EV training aid.

Another popular presentation involved the new EV Motor and Generator STEM Activity Kit. The STEM Activity Kit had participants assemble a battery powered electric motor and then remove the battery to turn it into a hand-cranked electric generator.

Tuesday, after the conference, Tom caught a flight to Ohio arriving at 1:30am on Wednesday. Tom traveled to Stark State Community College to conduct an all-day Train-the-Trainer event for continuing education. 

Vince Manship at 19th Annual Florida Automotive Instructors Workshop

Back in Florida Vince finished up the Instructors Workshop presenting EV training on Wednesday and Thursday. Once he was done with class Vince drove to Nashville, Tennessee to drop off the Transit van and catch a flight to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania where he would meet up with John Barclay, who drove down from Maine, to take possession of the truck and trailer.

Vince will then drive back to Cleveland, Ohio to pick up Tom and Gil and then the whole team will assemble in Nashville for live training events next week. 

AVI instructors and equipment travel hundreds of miles to bring you the latest high-tech live training offerings. If there is something your shop, students, or company needs training on, AVI can be there. Contact us today to set up your next live training session.



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