More Management Tips from Automotive Management Network

October 12, 2010

What have you done about lost customers? Have you looked extensively at your website lately? Do you have any plans for your sign? Check out the latest Auto Shop Monthly Management Tips from the Automotive Management Network to get inside secrets on managing your shop and increasing your bottom line.

Now Where Did I Put Those Customers?

You know, the ones we all refer to as “Lost customers.” Most shops just let them wander off. But, many better shops don’t give in that easily. One item on their marketing schedule every 90 days or so is to run a report on customers who have not been in for over a year. These lost customers are contacted and asked why they have not been in lately, and offered an incentive to return. While it is true that many of them are lost for good (moved, quit driving, married a mechanic, etc.), there are usually enough who will respond and make the effort worthwhile.

How Is Your Website Working?

For far too many shops the answer is “Not very well.” If you have a website (and you certainly should), someone needs to go through it end to end once a month and test the most popular items weekly. Does the scheduling feature work right? How about the contact form? Are there any broken links? Is the information up to date? There is nothing quite like a “Get ready for Winter” promo in March that expired three months ago to make you look less than brilliant to a potential customer. I’m guessing that a lot of readers are checking their sites right about now!

Any Plans For Your Sign?

If not, now may be a good time to think about it. If you have plans, consider moving them to the top of your to do list. It seems that in many areas, the local board in charge of regulations spends most of its time figuring out new and creative ways to make doing business as difficult as possible. Signs are normally high on their hit list. There are plenty of shop owners out there who wish they could turn the clock back and put up the biggest, tallest and best lit sign they could afford. Find out the maximum allowance for signs at your shop; then get the permit and order process underway as soon as you can. If digital reader boards are still allowed where you are, get one now. As fast as sign regulations are being created, a month from now may be too late.


Original article published by Automotive Management Network


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