The Auto Care Association (ACA) and AVI (a Florida company) join forces in the fight for ownership, accessibility and privacy rights of car-generated data.

May 21, 2019

May 15, 2019

For Immediate Release

Fort Myers, FL – Automotive Video Innovations (AVI) has donated their in-house studio time and staff to Auto Care Association’s President, Bill Hanvey, to produce an important Public Service Announcement (PSA) advocating for open and equal access to car-generated data.

Bill Hanvey, President of Auto Care Association, “There is no larger issue affecting car owners and aftermarket industry professionals than Telematics data access and we are grateful to AVI for their generous donation of their production studio and staff to help us raise awareness for this issue with industry professionals and government leadership”

Kathleen Malone, Chief Operating Officer AVI, “When issues arise that have the ability to affect the industry to this extent, it is incumbent upon us to do all we can to help. We are proud to have been able to help Bill Hanvey and the Auto Care Association get their message out to all who need to hear it.

The Auto Care Association is advocating for open and equal access to car-generated data. This PSA is designed to educate technicians and consumers alike on the major issues involved with the data generated by cars; who has ownership, what can be done with it and who can access it.

Currently, your car-generated data goes to the cloud, only accessible by your car’s manufacturer (OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer). It’s their choice what that data is used for. It’s their choice where your data goes next and it’s their choice how it gets there. Therein lies the dilemma.

SVI (Secure Vehicle Interface) is the solution. SVI is a set of standards that provides direct access to data, puts vehicle owners in control, leverages standards for consistency and secures communications between the vehicle and the OEM, yet Automakers and dealers are against this. Ultimately if OEMs and dealers have their way, consumers will be forced to have repairs done in the only place the data can be accessed – the dealerships –blocking out the aftermarket independent repair shops.



Click here to download or share this PSA

For more video coverage on this topic go to

Also don’t forget to visit and add your name to the many advocates already in the fight!

AVI Contact: Eileen Black (800) 718-7246 EXT 252

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