Birthday Weekend Fishing Trip

September 10, 2021

We work hard here at the Group Training Academy. We play pretty hard too. Being located in Ft. Myers, Florida, which is right on the Gulf of Mexico, we’ve got great fishing opportunities. Last Saturday, AVI Founder and CEO Paul Louwers treated a key employee to a bountiful day of grouper fishing, for his birthday.

Our friend Steve Miele is the owner and captain of “Itsakeepa” charters. The boat is a 25ft Parker, which doesn’t sound very big a boat to be going so far offshore, but Parkers are very sturdy, seaworthy boats. It took almost 3 hours to get to the fishing grounds, at about 120 ft. depth, nearly 70 miles out.

Our team of anglers consists of Paul Louwers, Steve and Jim Wisniewski, and Marcus, a friend of Steve M. we just met. Conditions were nearly ideal. Good weather, flat seas, easy current and tide. The bait worked; sardines, mackerel chunks, and squid. We caught our limit of red grouper remarkably quick, and then concentrated on snappers. Paul caught a couple of triggerfish. Odd looking creature with leathery like, tough skin. Very good eating I’ve heard. What a Happy Birthday!

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