“AVI’s Northern Technical Center Completed”

April 6, 2021

April 5, 2021 – Morgantown, WV

The AVI Technical Center in Norton, Ohio, has been completed and is open for business.

That is a small sentence that describes a giant leap for AVI and our partners, and is a direct result of a fantastic amount of work from John Forro, instructor extraordinaire. It was John who suggested we complete and modify his automotive shop into a facility that would not only be an active, "open for business" automotive repair facility but also would support AVI with research and development capabilities, a full video recording studio including cameras and lighting, and the ability to teach live classes, all in one location. Through his efforts, the AVI Technical Center has been completed and is preparing for its first activities.

John's first efforts should be for him to sit back, sip a Diet Pepsi, take a break, and admire his work. What is actually happening is his preparing the first filming project to be developed at the AVI Technical Center, a course by Tom Rayk, which will be the first production entirely produced "up north."

No rest for the weary.

If you are interested in finding out how to bring TGTA live training to your area, contact us at Phone: 1-800-718-7246 | Email: support@aviondemand.com. We will be adding tour stops for the EV classes and additional content on such topics as advanced diesel diagnostics, ADAS, and light, medium, and heavy-duty braking systems.

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