AVI Test Prep Launches New Facebook App!

August 8, 2011

Last week, Automotive Video launched a new Facebook Fan Page and an Application exclusively for ASE Test Prep! Learn more about the ASE certification exams, take interactive quizzes to test your knowledge, watch technical tip clips from our Test Prep programs, check out other AVI Test Prep opportunities, and more! AVI’s ASE Test Prep programs are designed to help automotive technicians easily and confidently pass their ASE certification tests. Our goal is to provide solid information and hands-on procedures across multiple platforms for the optimal learning experience.

(While you’re there, “Like” us and help us spread the word.)

Simply put, we want to see you and other technicians like you succeed. These test prep materials and quizzes will give you a great indicator and assessment of your skills and knowledge. Knowing what to study and where to find that information will certainly lead to your success. So what are you waiting for?

Helpful Note: You don’t have to be a member or logged into Facebook to take a quiz! Just click the link above to have instant access to seven different interactive quizzes right in the Facebook interface.

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ASE Accredited