Brake Systems Livestream Success

December 13, 2013

Thank you everyone for tuning in to our free, live Brake Technology class. Without your desire to seek education, we would not be broadcasting live training videos. We hope you gained some knowledge on the subject of brake technology and encourage everyone to keep seeking that knowledge.

AVI would like to thank Bob Pattengale’s expertise participation in this venture. I think we can all agree he was articulate with his delivery and was especially impressive during the un-rehearsed Q&A portion of the stream.

There is a lot of time, planning and rehearsing that goes into broadcasting a live feed that includes videos and diagrams that coincide with the speaker. The AVI team rehearses all day, constantly tweaking video timing and improving delivery to present an easy to understand class that everyone can enjoy.

If you missed this live training even, you can sign up today and watch the archived class for only $19.95 normally it would be $49.95 so take advantage of this great deal while it lasts.

[sws_button_icon_ui label=”Click Here” href=”/livestream/braking-systems-technology” ui_theme=”ui-smoothness” icon=”ui-icon-arrowthick-1-e” target=”_self”] [/sws_button_icon_ui]

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