Quick Management Tips from Automotive Management Network

March 7, 2011

Is there any rhyme or reason to your parking lot? No time for inspections with customers waiting? Are you utilizing the factory maintenance schedules? Check out the latest Auto Shop Monthly Management Tips from the Automotive Management Network to get inside secrets on managing your shop and increasing your bottom line.

Does Your Parking Lot Make Any Sense?

Is there any rhyme or reason to your parking lot? Every shop, regardless of size, should have a clearly drawn parking plan posted for all staff to see. It’s a rule of auto repair…you will attract more of whatever type of car is most visible to people driving by. Preferred cars out front, least desired out back, and the rest in the middle. Each car backed into its parking spot. Fresh striping (repainted at least once per year) making it obvious where to park. Remember that what is obvious to you is not obvious to a first time customer. This is one of those simple and low cost marketing items that you can do which can make a significant difference in the appearance of your shop.

No Time For Inspections With Waiters?

Problem: Customer is waiting for an oil change (or other quick service) and it takes too much time to do the inspection that you want performed on every car.

Solution: Pare down that inspection to include only the most critical items.
Sure, it’s a compromise, but it’s far better than skipping the inspection entirely due to time constraints. Remember, you want a solid policy to perform some type of inspection on virtually every car that you service. You will benefit and your good customers will appreciate it.

Easy Sales That Many Shops Miss

While it’s been discussed to death, far too many shops still do far too little with the factory maintenance schedules, or they over complicate the process by editing them and reinventing the wheel. Make it simple. Just grab the exact factory scheduled maintenance list that is due out of your software. Add the parts, and you are done. Do this the day before arrival for every car on your schedule. Mention it during write-up or drop off. Many customers have been well trained to make sure that the factory maintenance is always kept up to date and will quickly agree to have you add it to the RO.

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