AVI Annouces SearchAVI.com, a Complete AVI Network Search Site

July 15, 2010

Fort Myers Florida — July 15, 2010 – This month, AVI launched SearchAVI.com a new Network Search Site! Search the ENTIRE AVI network of automotive diagnostic, repair, training, information, industry news, and education related websites from this easy to use and familiar interface. From one location, you have access to each of AVI sites, including DiagnosticsNews.com, ShowMeTools.com, AVITestPrep.com, and auto-video.com!

Looking for Diesel training? SearchAVI.com will show you top-notch DVD training and related articles. Have a question about the ASE L1 Test Prep? Just type your question into the Google-powered SearchAVI.com to find articles, interactive quizzes, test information, and more!

Check it out! Start searching now at www.searchavi.com!

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