Moving Parts – AVI Staff Travels to “AVI North”

April 29, 2021

April 27, 2021 – Morgantown, WV

I've spoken in the past about the great staff at AVI, who can really produce excellent products and still be a fun group to be around. For the inauguration of the recording studio at AVI's new Technology Center in Norton, Ohio, Paul  Louwers, President of AVI, sent a few of our key production people from Florida up to Ohio to assist in the final configuration of the studio and to help in the recording of the first few projects.

Kelley Holleran and Sherri Malkinson, AVI's key personnel for Florida content production, made the long plane ride from Fort Myers to Ohio to help instructors John Forro, Mark DeKoster, Tom Rayk, and camera operator and content editor Stephan Ferraro, the newest addition to the Ohio center's staff, on the first projects.

There were some bumps in the road, but early reports point toward great teamwork and some great content soon to be published on AVI OnDemand and The Group Training Academy learning portals.

The following photos I hope, show how much the AVI crew is fun and family.

John Forro (L) and Stephan Ferraro.

(L to R) Half of Kelly Holleran, a whole Mark DeKoster, and a segment of Sherri Malkinson.

Future Food Network star.

(L to R) Sherri Malkinson, Tom Rayk, and Kelley Holleran

Kelley and Sherri at the local Walmart.

Filming AVI's newest diesel technology offering.

Instructor Tom Rayk, the Mad Scientist.

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