AVI Beta Testing New Training Concierge Program

July 8, 2019

AVI (Automotive Video Innovations) announces the testing of the first structured, monitored automotive training process for the automotive industry.

The Concierge service offers full service training management and supervision, a process which utilizes assessments to help determine where a technician is in their automotive career and what courses they should take to get better.

Shop owners are encouraged to have all of their technicians take the AVI assessments. Based on the results of the assessment, follow-up courses are assigned to each technician. Continuing education goals are agreed upon between the techs and owner and the number of hours needed to reach those goals are determined. The shop owner commits to providing time during the day for training sessions for those agreed upon hours alleviating the technicians traditional time away from work or family that was previously required to train.

One AVI client, Rob Choisser of Choisser Import Auto Service, a client of AVI since 2017, said “At this point in my career its about helping others succeed. It’s all about the technicians. Training does that. What has been missing in the Automotive world is an organized, structured approach to training. When AVI called and asked if I would be interested in being one of the first to undertake the new Concierge Service they offer, I jumped at the chance. AVI training is great – if the techs use it. The problem is getting them to use it. This new Concierge service will do just that.”

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