The Module Flash, Halloween, The Group Training

The Module Flash brought to you by: The Group Training Academy

March 12, 2016

It’s that time of year again! AVI presents you with the hysterical Halloween parody music video with the kind of automotive wit you can only expect to see from AVI. Ed Wood should be proud.



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  • Frank “Butch” Shaw – Mad Scientist
  • Louie Burbano – Module/Hunchback
  • Orlando Balam – Hunchback
  • Olivia Hentkowski – Dancing Girl
  • Kayla Towle – Dancing Girl
  • Maria Mennillo – Dancing Girl
  • Alexa Jones– Dancing Girl


  • Dave Hobbs – Music Writer
  • Paul Louwers – Executive Producer
  • Dave Cintron – Videographer/Editor
  • Music Production – Julian Sundby
  • Steve Wisniewski – Utility Engineer

Special Thanks

  • B.C. Automotive – Fort Myers
  • Vibe Studios – Fort Myers
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ASE Accredited