March 26, 2021 – Fort Myers, Florida
Florida is a friendly state. Fort Myers is a lovely town.
Before starting to work for AVI, I categorized Florida somewhat stereotypically as Disney World surrounded by spring break destinations. In my short time of employment at AVI, I've changed my outlook from this uninformed opinion to one that genuinely enjoys my time there a great deal.
A lot of this has to do with the staff at AVI. This group of folks is charged with going in a thousand different directions every day, supporting AVI and our partners on an unknown number of training endeavors. They accomplish these tasks while keeping their sense of humor and are a truly fun group to work with. I've had the past pleasure of working in corporate America, a land-grant college, a large manufacturing facility, and even owning my own business for a short, tragic time. I don't think I've enjoyed working with folks who work so hard and are still a pleasure to be around.