Quick Management Tips from Automotive Management Network

February 2, 2012

Do you pay close attention to your Google Reviews? How do you keep up communication between you and your employees? How does your shop follow up on Estimate Requests? Check out the latest Auto Shop Monthly Management Tips from the Automotive Management Network to get inside secrets on managing your shop and increasing your bottom line.

Google Reviews – Two Things to Watch

Did you know that Google reviews are not always listed in dated order? That great new review can get buried on page three while that old nasty review stays on page one. This is one more reason to post highly professional replies to all reviews, especially the bad ones.

Also, several shops have had their replies to reviews disappear although the reviews remain. It is strongly recommended that you save your replies in a document so you can repost them easily if this happens to you.

Keeping Your Employees Informed

If you are a typical shop owner, a lot of information comes to mind as you go through your week. Much of it is about things that you would like to communicate to one or more of your employees – projects, questions, ideas, etc. Keep a document on your computer for each employee where you record those thoughts, then email it to them once each week. Think of it as just one more way to prevent a few fires and get a few more things accomplished.

Estimate Requests – Do you just let them die?

You received an estimate request by email or phone or someone just walked in and asked. You decided to provide one (good idea if handled correctly). So, now what do you do after they said “thanks”, but made no appointment? Do you call or email them one or more times over the next few days? If you do, at least some of them will respond and make an appointment since you are likely the only one to show interest and follow up. Remember, not everyone asking for an estimate by phone or email is looking for the lowest price in town.

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