How to profit from the biggest trend to ever hit the auto aftermarket industry!

April 18, 2013

Before you read this article I want you to do me a favor. It will only take a minute but it will quickly show you why reading this one article will , more than anything else you do today, help you grow your profits.

Step 1: Take out your cell phone. Today most phones are smart phones, either a blackberry, an I Phone or a Google Droid. In fact, in a very short time these will be the majority of phones in the USA. 
The proof is that Apple is now giving away Iphone’s when you sign up for service. In 2011 according to Gartner Research there were more mobile devices shipped than laptops or desktop computers.

Step 2: Now that your phone is out go ahead and find the icon for the internet on your phone. Ready? Now type in the web address of your business and see what comes up.

Here are a few important things to look for:
-Does your site have a .mobi address? This is the newest domain that has been set aside for mobile websites.
– Is your site easy to navigate, meaning can I get to the most important functions quickly and easily.
– Does it load quickly?

There are a few reasons. The reality these days according to Google, is that 4 out of every 10 searches are on mobile devices ( meaning smart phones or Tablets like the IPAD.) Simply put you could be missing out on 40% of the people looking for your business if you don’t have a mobile website.

But there are other reasons you need to pay attention to this as well. For example, many auto repair facilities are paying firms to make sure their site gets a high ranking when people in the local area are searching for them. 

Google recently stated that they are penalizing companies that don’t have mobile websites. What that really means is that they will have your ad appear further down the page and they will be charging you more per ad. It’s also important to mention that some websites containing flash will only appear as a blank page on Ipones and IPads since they can’t display flash.

THE BIGGEST ISSUE IS: Your customers in most cases can not easily connect with you.

Here is a before and after picture of a website.

Mobile Web Image

Notice that on the AFTER photo there are only a few important buttons allowing your customers to easily and quickly connect with you. The important thing to always keep in mind is that you MUST make it easy for your customers to connect to you on their mobile devices.
We all live in an instant gratification society and if your site doesn’t load quickly and make it very easy to connect, your customer will simply go on to the next search result.

THE GOOD NEWS is that less than 1% of our industries websites are mobile optimized so there is still time to take advantage of this opportunity. The bad news is that the BIGGER companies have already mobilized their sites and could be taking your customers away as you read this.


Pull out your mobile phone and go to the internet button. Type into the browser the type of service you provide and your city. Example- Tires Baltimore and see what comes up.

THE BOTTOM LINE IS: Consumers who are looking for your business will most likely be searching for you on their mobile phone. After all who carries around a heavy laptop anymore? Studies have shown that buyers looking for you on their phones will make a purchase within 24 hours of searching.

They have an urgent need unlike “shoppers” who are trying to find the best price on their computers.
The question is will they be finding you or your competition?

For 2012 make sure you also have a mobile website so your clients find you!

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