“6.7 Advanced Diesel Coaching Program” – The Group Training Academy EV Tour Blog

March 19, 2021

March 19, 2021 – Morgantown, WV

Tom loves trucks.

I'm, of course, referring to Tom Rayk, instructor extraordinaire and head guru of AVI's diesel training division. I've never been to Tom's house, but I understand he collects diesel trucks the way I collect Lucas electric components and Paul collects fishing rods and Mustang memorabilia. Tom loves what he teaches, and his passion and knowledge come out in his training.

For those not in the know, Tom and John have implemented a new kind of training program. In this weekly live streaming technician video class, we use multiple camera shots, training props, and two-way interactions between the student and the instructor on a whole bunch of topics. We just released enrollment for a new one to be taught by Tom that supports… wait for it… diesel techs and the 6.7 Powerstroke.

Although the class was just released, we're already down to just a limited number of seats. Take a look at https://aviondemand.com/technician-coaching-program/ or just go to the live training dropdown on AVIOnDemand.com to sign up. If you're not a diesel guy and a deranged MG/Triumph/Land Rover Series mutant like me, keep an eye on this page anyway. We'll be offering new content soon that I'm sure will fit into your training needs.

Does anyone have a mechanical fuel pump for a '76 Spitfire handy?

If you are interested in finding out how to bring TGTA live training to your area, contact us at Phone: 1-800-718-7246 | Email: support@aviondemand.com. We will be adding tour stops for the EV classes and additional content on such topics as advanced diesel diagnostics, ADAS, and light, medium, and heavy-duty braking systems.

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