This course, “F.R.E.D, Directs the Injection,” is a continuation of the popular Dave Hobbs series on “Frustrating, Ridiculous, Electronic Devices” in covering the mysteries behind Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) systems. Dave’s presentation will present not only on GDI systems but also Sequential Port Injection (SPI) and how the two delivery methods work together. The course will cover hands-on diagnostic techniques utilizing scan tools, scopes, and meters, tips and tricks on examining the high-pressure mechanical GDI pump, as well as an exploration of 3-phase brushless fuel tank delivery pumps. Diagnostics are followed by advice on recommendations for proper R&R of fuel injectors and fuel pumps.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this session, the student will be able to:
- Understand the definition of Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) systems and why they are important
- Show knowledge on GDI fuel rails and pumps
- Define high-pressure GDI fuel line and low-pressure GDI fuel lines and their relationship with voltage sensors
- Describe the differences between GDI and Port Fuel Injection (PFI)
- List the types of GDI spray strategies
- Summarize the strategies of GDI 3-phase fuel pump systems
- Underline the flow of fuel from the tank to a combustion chamber in a GDI system
- Categorize proper safety techniques when interacting with GDI systems
- Illustrate the dangers involved with GDI voltage and system pressures
- Recall the appropriate personal protective equipment to be used in servicing GDI systems
- State the procedure for depressurizing the GDI high-pressure system
- Demonstrate overall knowledge of diagnosing and repairing of low-pressure GDI systems
- Understand the proper tools, gauges, and meters required for GDI diagnostics and repair
- Recall scan tool PIDS that directly relate to the GDI system
- Demonstrate the capability of interpreting GDI scan tool data
- Show knowledge on current ramping diagnostics for fuel pumps
- Demonstrate an overall understanding of diagnosing and repairing high-pressure GDI systems
- Name common GDI system service issues
- Communicate available solutions for intake carbon cleaning
- Explain preventive methods for reducing carbon deposits
- Illustrate the operation of GDI injectors
- Describe how SFI and GDI systems work together
- Describe the procedures for servicing GDI injectors
- Recall the differences between homogenous and stratified fuel mixtures
Runtime: 202 minutes