LBT-236 Marketing to Generation X & Y with Bill Haas


Available at No Additional Charge with Membership

Course ID LBT-236
90 Minutes of Video
Unlimited Course Access
Discussion Forum

ASE Accredited Provider
Online or DVD Clear



In this class ASA’s Bill Haas presents some concepts and information to help you better understand and market to generations X and Y. Meeting their expectations is the easy part. Communicating a message to attract and engage them seems to be the challenge. You cannot ignore these two groups at 80 million strong – the opportunities are enormous.
We will examine what makes them tick and what influences their decision-making process. Understanding the obstacles of reaching them beyond their incredible filters will lead your business to connecting with an extremely loyal customer of the future.

Runtime: 90 Minutes

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 3 × 12 in
Online or DVD

OnDemand, DVD, Both