ASE-L2 Medium/Heavy Vehicle Electronic Diesel Engine Specialist


Available at No Additional Charge with Membership

Note: The ASE-L2 Test Prep Study Guide is NOT downloadable and may only be viewed online. This course is not included in the All Access Pass.

ASE Accredited Provider
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The L2 test is engineered to measure a technician’s knowledge of the skills needed to diagnose sophisticated engine performance problems on computer-controlled diesel engines.

This course on Medium/Heavy Vehicle Electronic Diesel Engine includes details on General Inspection and Diagnosis; Electronic Engine Controls Diagnosis; Air Induction and Exhaust Systems Diagnosis; Fuel Systems Diagnosis; and L2 Composite Vehicle.

The Electronic Diesel Engine Diagnosis Specialist (L2) test contains 45 questions focused on the diagnosis of general diesel engine, electronic diesel engine controls, diesel engine air induction and exhaust systems, diesel fuel systems, and specific fuel systems, including electronic unit injector (EUI), pump-line-nozzle electronic (PLN-E) and hydraulic electronic unit injector (HEUI) systems. Because of the complexity of the L2 test, ASE generally recommends that you NOT register for other tests during the same test session.

To register for L2 Test, you must currently be certified in both T2 (Diesel Engines) and T6 (Electronic Systems).

Note: The ASE-L2 Test Prep Study Guide is NOT downloadable and may only be viewed online. This course is not included in the All Access Pass. 

Runtime: 72 mins
MotorAge Study Guide Included

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OnDemand, DVD + Manual, Both

