AET-068 wiTECH 2.0 Series


Available at No Additional Charge with Membership

In this tutorial you will learn the following:

  • How to install the software and set up wiTECH 2.0 using a secure microPod II
  • Brief overview of the features and functions of wiTECH 2.0
  • How to set up a personal Wireless Hot Spot for using wiTECH 2.o with a secure microPod II
  • & more!
ASE Accredited Provider


In this tutorial you will learn the following:

  • How to install the software and set up wiTECH 2.0 using a secure microPod II
  • Brief overview of the features and functions of wiTECH 2.0
  • How to set up a personal Wireless Hot Spot for using wiTECH 2.o with a secure microPod II
  • What Session Identification Numbers are, what they are used for and where to find it
  • Overview of the Integrated Service Information inside wiTECH 2.0
  • Flash Programming with wiTECH 2.0
  • Basics of using Google Authenticator to set up wiTECH 2.0

Runtime: 36 minutes